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Why is finding the right ergonomic office chair important?

Updated: Feb 4

Side profile of ergonomic office chair

Injuries can result from sitting for long periods of time in a chair which does assist in providing the proper level of support for the activity at hand. One might think that injuries are unlikely to occur from simply sitting, but that is to discount the amount of time we all spend in chairs which is the main aggravating factor. It is little wonder therefore that we have seen the rise of the Ergonomic Office Chair and the fact that most people consider this is a serious occupational health and safety consideration which it is important to get right.

It is certainly the case that if you are able to alternate your body positions regularly through the working day then that is preferred and to be encouraged, but the reality is that even people who know that this is important to do so neglect to follow this advice, often because they are simply caught up with the pressures of their work day.

Sitting is obviously not as demanding as many other forms of physical labour, but it would be wrong that it does not result in strain on the body, which is only exacerbated by an inappropriate chair. Sitting requires the muscles to stabilise the neck, shoulders and torso in a fixed position and over longer periods of time this leads to fatigue, which is when other injuries can manifest themselves.

In addition to approaching you work day in a way which will provide the necessary variation in body positions, the other main way to reduce risks is to ensure your workstation design is appropriate. He big part of this is making sure you have the right ergonomic office chair.

It is also the case that when you find the right ergonomic chair for you or your staff it is going to mean that you are going to be able to work more efficiently and comfortably, which ultimately is going to translate into a much more happy and positive experience and one that is likely to lead to increased productivity and motivation.

Please see our experts selection of the 5 best ergonomic office chairs in the UK.


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